

单词 book
book 1 ★★★
1  C  a set of printed pages fastened together inside a cover , that may contain a story , information , poems, or other forms of writing 书;书本;书籍

a book by Nelson Mandela, entitled Long Walk to Freedom 由纳尔逊·曼德拉撰写的名为《通往自由的漫长之路》的书

Please open your books at page 25. 请翻开书本第25页。

+about/on I’ m reading a book about American history. 我在看一本关于美国历史的书。

1a one of the sections of a long book such as the Bible (《圣经》等的)卷,篇,部

the Book of Job 《约伯记》

2  C  something that you write in , consisting of pages fastened together inside a cover 簿;本;册

Visitors to the building must sign the book. 到这栋楼参观的人必须在签名簿上签名。

address/appointment/exercise book I wrote his phone number in my address book. 我把他的电话号码记在我的通讯录上。

3  C  a set of small objects, such as stamps, tickets, or matches, fastened together inside a paper cover 装订成册的东西;本子;簿册

You can buy stamps in books of ten. 你可以买一册10枚的邮票。

4 books  plural  records of the money that an organization or business has earned and spent 账目;账簿

do the books (=record the necessary information in them) Alfred’ s job was to do the books at the end of each month. 记账

4a records of customers that use a company’ s services 顾客记录

on sb’ s books a theatrical agency with dozens of top actors on its books 拥有很多优秀演员的剧团

-   the book spoken
the phone book

Give me a ring – my number’ s in the book. 给我打电话,我的电话号码在电话簿上。

-   bring sb to book BRITISH
to punish someone or make them explain their behaviour publicly when they have done something wrong

If policemen have lied, then they must be brought to book. 如果警察撒谎,那么他们一定要受到惩罚。

-   by the book
correctly, following all the rules or systems for doing something in a strict way

He always tried to do everything by the book. 他总是墨守成规。

-   a closedbook
1 something that you accept has completely ended 已完结的事

As far as she is concerned, her marriage is a closed book. 对她来说,她的婚姻已经彻底结束了。

2 something or someone that is very difficult to understand 难以理解的事(或人)

I’ m afraid accountancy is a closed book to me. 我恐怕对会计学一窍不通。

-   in sb’ s bad/good books informal
used for saying that someone is annoyed with youpleased with you

I’ m trying to get back in her good books. 我试图重新博得她的喜欢。

-   in my book mainly spoken
used when giving your strong opinion about something

He’ s the greatest athlete of all time, in my book. 在我看来,他是有史以来最好的运动员。

-   on the books
a law that is on the books is part of the legal system of a country , city etc
-   an openbook
something or someone that is easy to find out about or understand , because nothing is kept secret

Her life was an open book. 她的生活是公开的。

-   read sb like a book
to be able to understand easily what someone is thinking or feeling
Other ways of saying :  book
novel a book that tells a story
textbook a book you study at school, college, or university
manual a book of instructions
cookery book a book of instructions for cooking
guidebook a book for tourists
biography a book about someone’ s life
autobiography a book about your own life
notebook a book you can write in, with empty pages
hardback a book with a hard cover
paperback a book with a thick paper cover
See also
close 1
judge 2
throw 1




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