

单词 book
book 2 ★★
1  I/T  to buy tickets or arrange to have or use something at a particular time in the future 预订

I’ ll book a table for 8 o’ clock. 我要预订一张8点钟的桌子。

book a holiday/flight/tour/trip Our flight was booked six months ago. 我们的航班6个月前就预订了。

book in advance The tours are very popular, so it’ s best to book in advance. 这种旅行非常受欢迎,所以最好提前预订。

fully booked I’ m sorry sir, that flight is fully booked already. 对不起,先生,那次航班的票已全部预订完了。

1a  T  to arrange for someone to perform or speak at a public event 预约,安排(表演或演讲等)

Her job is to book bands for the festival. 她的任务是为节庆活动预约乐队演奏。

book sb to do sth Several leading businessmen were booked to speak at the conference. 几位主要的实业家被安排在会议上发言。

2  T  if the police book someone , they take them to the police station and make a record of their crime (警察)把…记录在案

book sb for sth They booked him for assault. 他们把他的袭击行为记录在案。

2a if a sports referee books a player who has broken the rules, the player’ s name is recorded in an official book . In football , a player who is booked gets a yellow card card.(裁判员)记名警告

book sb for sth Adams was booked for dangerous play. 亚当斯因危险动作被记名警告。

ˌbook ˈin
1  T  to arrange for yourself or someone else to stay at a hotel , hospital etc 为…预订

book sb in at sth He’ s booked himself in at a health spa. 他为自己在一家保健矿泉疗养地预订了房间。

2  I  to announce you have arrived at a hotel or event so that your name can be put on an official record . You can also say check in , which is the usual American word 办理入住登记手续

I’ d just arrived at the conference and hadn’ t had time to book in. 我刚刚到达,还没来得及办理入住登记手续。

ˈbook on
book sb on sth: to buy tickets for someone for a specific journey on a plane , train , or bus 为…预订

Could you book me on the 8.30 flight? 你能为我预订8∶30的航班吗?





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