

单词 severely
severely ★★
1 very seriously 非常严重地

Several of the passengers were severely injured in the accident. 好几位乘客在事故中严重受伤。

The decision would severely damage the economy of Scotland. 这个决定会极大地破坏苏格兰的经济。

severely limited/restricted/reduced The original scope of the work had been severely reduced. 最初的工作范围已经大大地减小。

2 in a very strict or extreme way 非常严厉地;极其苛刻地

If anyone breaks the rules, they will be punished severely. 如果有人违反这些规定,将会受到严厉处罚。

The army has been severely criticized for attacking the region. 军队因袭击该地区而遭到严厉抨击。

3 with an unfriendly attitude and a lack of humour 严厉地;严肃地

He stared at her severely. 他神情严厉地盯着她。

4 in an extremely plain style that is not attractive 过于简朴地;极为朴素地

her severely cut hair 她朴素的发型





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