

单词 consumption
consumption ★★
1 the use of something such as fuel or energy , or the amount that people use (燃料或能源等的)消耗,消耗量

The government is determined to reduce the UK’ s total energy consumption. 政府下决心减少英国的能源消耗总量。

Many newer cars have a much lower fuel consumption. 许多新轿车的耗油量低很多。

1a the process of buying or using goods , or the amount that people buy or use (商品的)消费,消费量

When national income rises, so does consumption. 国民收入提高时,消费也跟着增加。

2 the process of eating, drinking , or smoking something 食用;饮用;吸入

fit/unfit for human consumption Most of the meat was unfit for human consumption. 大多数这些肉不可食用。

2a the amount that someone eats , drinks, or smokes 食用量;饮用量;吸入量

Most people need to increase their daily consumption of fruit and vegetables. 大多数人需要增加每天水果和蔬菜的食用量。

3 an old word for the lung disease ‘tuberculosis’ (古时用语)结核病
-   for sb’ s consumption
intended for someone to see , hear , read , or know about

This report was never intended for public consumption. 这份报告从来就未打算向公众公开。





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