

单词 contain
contain ★★★
VERB  T   
1 a container , envelope , room etc that contains something has something inside it 装有;容纳

The envelope contained a few dried rose petals. 信封里装着几片干的玫瑰花瓣。

There were four or five boxes containing toys and books. 有四五个装着玩具和书的箱子。

1a an area , border , wall etc that contains something surrounds something inside 把…围起

Contained within the walls of the castle is the kitchen garden. 城堡的围墙内是菜园子。

2 if a substance contains something , that thing is a part of it 包含;含有

Brown rice contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. 糙米含有许多种维生素和矿物质。

2a to include something or have it as a part 包括

The information you need is contained in this report. 你所要的信息都包括在这份报告里了。

3 to control or hide an emotion 控制,克制(感情)

I couldn’ t contain my excitement any longer. 我再也克制不住激动的心情。

barely/hardly contain sth Laura barely contained her fury. 劳拉几乎控制不住自己的愤怒。

3a to not show your emotions 克制自己

She could hardly contain herself when she saw him arrive. 看到他来时,她几乎不能自制。

4 to prevent something harmful from spreading to other people or places 遏制;阻止

Firefighters are still battling to contain the blaze. 消防队员们仍在奋力控制火势。

Strong measures are urgently needed to contain the epidemic. 急需强有力的措施来遏制这种传染病的传播。

4a to keep something within limits 限制

Our main task is to contain expenditure within a budget. 我们的主要任务是把支出控制在预算内。





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