

单词 balance
balance 1 ★★★
1  U  the ability to remain steady in an upright position 平衡能力

An ear infection is affecting his balance. 一只耳朵受感染影响了他的平衡能力。

1a a position in which your body remains steady and upright 平衡

lose your balance He lost his balance and tipped backwards in the chair. 他失去平衡往后跌倒在椅子里。

keep your balance She grabbed at him to keep her balance. 她抓住他来使自己保持平衡。

2  C/U  a situation in which different aspects or features are treated equally or exist in the correct relationship to each other 均衡;均势

+between It can be hard to find the right balance between advising your children and controlling them. 在给你的孩子提建议和控制他们之间很难找到合适的平衡点。

+of A healthy diet is about getting the correct balance of a variety of foods. 健康的饮食是将各种不同的食物进行合理均衡的调配。

strike a balance (=achieve a good balance) We want the classes to be both enjoyable and useful – we’ re trying to strike the right balance. 取得合适的平衡;达到两全其美

redress the balance (=return to a good balance) The subject has received too little attention, but Prof. Brown’ s new book will help to redress the balance. 回到平衡的局面;改变不公正的局面

upset/alter the balance These creatures have upset the delicate ecological balance in the lake. 这些生物破坏了该湖微妙的生态平衡。

2a  singular  a force , influence , or idea that is completely different from another but combines well with it 平衡力;和谐;协调

+to His conservatism is the perfect balance to her outgoing personality. 他的保守态度对于她的爽直个性起着很好的平衡作用。

3  C  the amount of money you have in your bank account 结余;结存

The current balance in your account is £1,182. 现在你账户上的结余为1182英镑。

3a  singular  the amount of money that you owe after paying part of the cost of something 余款;欠款

You pay a deposit now and the balance in 12 months. 你现在付押金,12个月内付清余款。

4  singular  the majority of information , opinions, or facts 大部分(信息、意见或事实)

The balance of public opinion was against the proposal. 大多数人的意见是反对这个提议。

tilt/shift the balance The balance has shifted in favour of the president. 大部分意见已倾向于赞成总统。

5  singular  the amount of something that remains after part has been used 剩余部分

+of You can use the balance of the time to finish the assignment. 你可以用剩余时间完成作业。

6  U  mental or emotional calm (精神或感情上的)平静,镇静,沉着

She quickly recovered her balance after the outburst. 冲动过后她很快恢复了平静。

7  C  a piece of equipment used for weighing things, consisting of a bar with a small dish at each end 天平;秤
-   be/hang in the balance
if something is in the balance , you do not know whether it will succeed or fail

Jack’ s career is hanging in the balance while they consider what to do. 他们在考虑做什么时,杰克的前程悬而未决。

-   off balance
1 not steady or upright , for example because more weight is on one side 不稳的;不正的

That wheel is off balance. 那个轮子不平稳。

throw/knock sb/sth off balance He kept pulling my arm, throwing me off balance. 他一直拉我的手臂,使我站立不稳。

2 surprised , upset , or confused by something 吃惊的;心烦意乱的;迷惑不解的

throw/knock/catch sb off balance I was thrown completely off balance by Anna’ s reply. 安娜的回答完全把我弄糊涂了。

-   on balance
after considering all the relevant facts

On balance, I think we made the right decision. 总的说来,我认为我们作出了正确的决定。

  Words frequently used with balance
  balance 的常见搭配词
  verbs   achieve, alter, find, keep, maintain, preserve, redress, strike, upset,




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