

单词 button
button 1 ★★
NOUN  C   
1 a small object that you press to make a machine start working or perform a particular action 按钮

Just press this button to start the computer. 就按这个按钮打开计算机。

Press the pause button. 按暂停键。

Click the left mouse button twice. 双击鼠标左键。

1a one of the small parts on a telephone that you press to call a number (电话的)按键

a push-button phone 按键式电话

1b a symbol on a computer screen that you can use to start programs (计算机屏幕上显示的)按钮

Click on the Start button. 单击开始按钮。

2 a small round object that is used for fastening clothes by pushing it through a hole 纽扣;扣子

He had undone the top button of his shirt. 他解开了衬衫最上面的纽扣。

a cardigan with small pearl buttons 有小粒珍珠纽扣的羊毛衫

3 AMERICAN  a round badge that you wear on your clothes 圆形小徽章
-   at the touch of a button
if a machine works at the touch of a button , it works extremely quickly and easily

Customers can buy and sell stock at the touch of a button. 顾客可以极快地买卖股票。

-   push/press sb’ s buttons
1 to deliberately say something in order to make someone angry or upset (故意)激怒某人,惹恼某人

I try not to get mad, but he knows exactly how to push all my buttons. 我试着不发火,但他恰恰知道如何来惹恼我。

2 to make someone sexually excited 激起某人的性欲
-   push/press the right buttons mainly journalism
to please an audience with a political speech by saying things that the audience agrees with

The Prime Minister’ s speech pushed all the right buttons. 首相的讲话正合所有听众的口味。

See also




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