

单词 painful
painful ★★
1 making you feel upset , ashamed , or unhappy 痛苦的;羞愧的

painful memory/reminder He sobbed as he relived the painful memory. 当再度体验那痛苦的回忆时,他啜泣不止。

painful experience His autobiography recounts the unique and painful experience of imprisonment. 他的自传记述了在狱中那段绝无仅有的痛苦经历。

unbearably/unbelievably painful The loss of her husband to cancer was unbearably painful. 丈夫患癌症去世使她痛苦万分,难以承受。

2 if part of your body is painful , you feel pain there 疼痛的

My feet were sometimes so painful and swollen that I could not wear shoes. 有时我的双脚疼痛,肿得非常厉害,以致鞋都穿不了。

She suffers from stiff and painful joints. 她感到关节僵硬疼痛。

2a making you feel physical pain 引起疼痛的

extremely/terribly/excruciatingly painful The sting can be excruciatingly painful. 它蜇起人来会十分疼痛。

3 informal   done so badly that you feel embarrassed 令人难堪的

His performance was painful to watch. 他的表演简直惨不忍睹。





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