

单词 other
other ★★★
  Other can be used in the following ways:
Other 有以下用法
  as a determiner (followed by a plural noun)用作限定词(后接复数名词): He doesn’ t like other people interfering. 他不喜欢他人干涉。 (after ‘the’ or a possessive word and followed by a singular or plural noun用在the 或所有格后,后接单数或复数名词): the other side of the street 街的另一边 She invited all her other friends. 她邀请了她其余所有的朋友。 The determiner another is used instead of ‘an’ + ‘other’ .限定词another 用来代替an+other。
  as a pronoun (after ‘the’ )用作代词(置于the 之后): He swerved from one side of the road to the other. 他从路的一边突然转向另一边。 Have you told the others? 你告诉其他人了吗? (in the plural without ‘the’ 用在不带the的复数形式中): Some systems are better than others. 一些制度比另一些要好。
  The plural form others without ‘the’ is the plural of the pronoun another .
其不带the的复数形式others 是代词another 的复数形式。
1 additional
1a used for referring to additional people or things of the type already mentioned or known about 另外的;额外的;更多的

In addition to Nicola, Mrs Stanley has three other children. 除了尼古拉,斯坦利太太还有另外3个孩子。

The report will be of interest to teachers and others in the education field. 老师们和其他教育界人士会对这个报告感兴趣。

Apart from the victim’ s name and age, no other details were given. 除了受害者的名字和年龄外,没有提供任何其他细节。

1b used for saying that there are additional things or people that you could mention 除了别的以外;其中;包括

Among other things, Churchill was an accomplished writer and historian. 除了别的成就之外,丘吉尔还是一个有造诣的作家和历史学家。

2 different
used for referring to a different person or thing from the one already mentioned or known about 别的;其他的;不同的

I suggested a camping holiday, but Carey had other ideas. 我建议到野外露营度假,但凯里有不同的主意。

some/any other Not now. We’ ll talk about it some other time. 现在不行。我们另找时间再谈。

The Greeks spend more money on food than any other nation in Europe. 希腊人花在吃上的钱比欧洲任何其他民族都多。

3 second of two
used when there are two things or people for referring to the one that has not already been mentioned or is not already known about (两个中)另一的

The other half of the money will be provided by the government. 另一半的钱将由政府提供。

She was looking around for her other shoe. 她在找她的另一只鞋。

I held on to the rope with my other hand. 我用另一只手抓住绳子。

the other He sat in front of the fire rubbing one bare foot against the other. 他坐在火前,两只赤脚搓来搓去。

the other one One of the twins was Reggie. What was the other one called? 这对双胞胎中一个叫雷吉,另一个叫什么?

4 the rest of a group
used for referring to the rest of the people or things in a group 其余的

the/my/your etc other We stayed until all the other guests had gone home. 我们一直呆到其余的客人都回家为止。

Beethoven’ s Ninth is much longer than his other symphonies. 贝多芬的《第九交响曲》比他其余的交响曲都长得多。

the others One boy fell off his chair and the others laughed. 一个男孩从椅子上摔了下去,其余的孩子都笑起来。

5 people in general
used for referring to people in a general way when you are not including yourself as one of them 别人;他人

I don’ t care what other people think. 我不在乎别人怎么想。

We aim to develop in our students a sense of responsibility and a respect for others. 我们旨在培养学生的责任感和对他人的尊重。

6 opposite
6a the side or end that is furthest from you or is opposite to where you are 另一边/另一头

A taxi had stopped on the other side of the road. 一辆出租车在路的另一边停了下来。

Ashley sat at the other end of the sofa. 阿什利坐在沙发的另一头。

The voice at the other end of the phone sounded sleepy and confused. 电话那一端的声音听起来没精打采而且含混不清。

6b the opposite direction 反向

The truck swerved to avoid a car coming from the other direction. 卡车突然转向一旁以避开迎面而来的小汽车。

I tried to attract her attention but she was looking the other way. 我试着吸引她的注意力,可她却朝着另一边看。

6c happening in the opposite way 相反地;正相反;倒过来

Most people expected the boys to do better than the girls but in fact it was the other way round. 大多数人都认为男孩子会比女孩子成绩出色,但事实上却恰恰相反。

-   the otherday/night etc
two or three daysnights etc ago

I had a phone call from Mandy the other day. 我几天前接到曼蒂的一个电话。

-   other than
1 in addition to someone or something 除…之外(还)

Are you studying any science subjects other than chemistry? 除了化学以外,你还修别的理科课程吗?

2 except for someone or something 除了…外

I had no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free. 除了希望生活幸福、自由自在之外,我没有别的追求。

-   someone/something/somewhere etc or other
used when you are not saying exactly which personthingplace etc you mean

He’ s always complaining about something or other. 他总是抱怨这抱怨那的。

We all make mistakes at some time or other. 我们都会在某些时候犯错误。

See also
word 1
hand 1




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