

单词 lick
lick 2
NOUN  C   
1 usually singular the action of licking something 舔
2 informal   a particular set of notes from a piece of popular music (流行乐曲的)一组音符,小过门
3 informal   a hard hit with something 狠狠一击
-   at a lick informal
very quickly

The train was going along at quite a lick when it entered the tunnel. 火车进入隧道后以极快的速度行驶。

-   a lick and a promise informal
1 BRITISH  an occasion when you wash something very quickly and not very carefully 草率的清洗
2 AMERICAN  an occasion when you do something quickly and not very carefully 草率做事
-   a lick of sth
a layer of something such as paint that you put on something to make it look better

All it needs is a lick of polish and it’ ll look like new. 所要做的就是在它表面涂上一层亮漆,这样它看起来就会像新的一样。





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