

单词 lie
lie 1 ★★★
VERB  I   
1 to be in a position in which your body is flat on a surface such as the floor or a bed 躺;平卧

+on/in etc She was lying on the bed watching television. 她躺在床上看电视。

lie still/awake/unconscious etc I lay awake worrying about work. 因为工作上的烦恼,我躺着无法入睡。

lie on your back/side/stomach etc Emma was lying on her back in the sunshine. 埃玛在太阳底下仰躺着。

1a to put yourself in a position in which your body is flat on a surface 让(自己)平躺

Go and lie on the bed until you feel better. 躺到床上去,感觉好一些了再起来。

2 to be on a particular surface or in a particular place 在;位于

There were clothes lying all over the floor. 地板上到处都是衣服。

2a used for saying where a place is (用于表明地理位置)位于

The village lies in a valley. 村庄位于一个山谷里。

The farm lay a few miles to the north. 农场位于北面几英里处。

2b used for saying where someone is buried (用于表明某人被埋葬的位置)

Here lies the body of James McDonald. 这里埋葬着詹姆斯·麦克唐纳。

3 to be in a particular position in a competition (比赛中)占名次

O’ Connell is currently lying in second position in the world championship. 奥康纳尔目前在世界锦标赛中名列第二。

As we go into the third round, Evans is lying in third place. 我们进入第三轮比赛时埃文斯排名第三。

4 used for talking about things such as plans, ideas, and qualities and what they consist of (用于谈及计划、想法等)存在,在于

He must decide where his future lies (=he must decide what he is going to do with his life) . 他必须决定自己将来要做什么。

+in The difficulty lies in knowing what to do next. 难办的是不知道接下去要做什么。

5 if something lies in a particular state , it is in that state 处于(某种状态)

The castle lay in ruins. 城堡已成废墟。

Her bag was lying open on the table. 她的包放在桌上打开着。

6 if your interest lies in a particular subject , you are interested in it (兴趣)在,存在于(某方面)

My main interest lies in the development of new technology. 我的主要兴趣在于发展新技术

7 to deliberately say something that is not true 撒谎;说谎

It was obvious that she was lying. 很明显她在撒谎。

+about He had to lie about his age to get into the army. 为了参军,他不得不谎报年龄。

+to She admitted lying to the police. 她承认对警方撒了谎。

lie through your teeth (=say something completely false) They say they’ re not married but they’ re lying through their teeth. 撒弥天大谎;睁眼说瞎话

7a if something lies, it shows or suggests facts that are not true (某事物)给人以假象,造成错觉

The results of these surveys often lie. 这些调查结果常常会给人以假象。

-   let it/things lie
to not do or say anything because you might make a difficult situation worse
-   lie ahead/before/in store
if something lies ahead , it is going to happen to you in the future

A grand future lies ahead of him. 他前程似锦。

-   lie at the heart of sth
to be the most important part of something

The questions of training and pay lie at the heart of the staffing problems. 培训和薪资问题是雇用员工的核心问题。

-   lie at the root of sth
to be the cause of something

He believes that unemployment lies at the root of the problem. 他相信失业是这个问题的原因。

-   lie heavy on sb formal
to make you feel unhappy

Feelings of guilt lay heavy on him. 内疚感令他无法快乐起来。

-   lie in state
if the dead body of an important person lies in state , it is put in a public place for people to go and look at
-   lie in wait (for sb)
1 to hide so that you can attack someone when they pass you 埋伏,等待伏击(某人)
2 if something unpleasant is lying in wait for you , it is going to happen to you (不愉快之事)将发生(在某人身上)

Little did I know what troubles were lying in wait for me when I got home. 我回家时根本就不知道有什么麻烦等着我。

-   lie low
to hide , or try to avoid attracting attention to yourself , because someone is trying to find you
ˌlie aˈbout or ˌlie aˈround 
1 to have been left somewhere instead of being put in the correct place 到处乱扔乱放

Never leave cash or other valuables just lying around. 一定不要把现金或其他贵重物品到处乱扔乱放。

You shouldn’ t leave bottles of pills lying around the house. 你不应把一瓶瓶药在房子里随意乱扔。

2  I  lie about/around sth: to spend a lot of time relaxing 消磨时光

We lay around all day playing cards and watching television. 我们成天打牌、看电视消磨时光。

2a to spend time being lazy when you should be doing something 闲着;无所事事

He just lies around the house all day. 他成天就在家里闲着。

ˌlie ˈback
to move from a sitting position into a position in which you are lying flat on a surface 仰躺下来
ˌlie beˈhind
lie behind sth: to be the real reason for a decision or action 是(…的)真正原因

We’ d like to know what lay behind her decision to change her will. 我们想了解她决定改变遗嘱的真正原因是什么。

ˌlie ˈdown

Lie down and relax. 躺下来休息一下。

I’ m going to go and lie down for a while. 我要去躺会儿。

-   lie down on the job
to not work as hard at something as you should do
-   not take sth lying down
to show that you will not accept unfair treatment by complaining about it or trying to change it
ˌlie ˈin
to stay in bed in the morning for longer than usual 睡懒觉;迟起

We usually lie in on Sundays. 我们周日通常都会睡懒觉。

ˈlie with
1 if something such as responsibility or blame for something lies with someone , they are responsible for it or they should be blamed for it 是(某人)的责任

There is evidence to suggest that some blame lies with the police. 有证据表明警方负有一定的责任。

1a if something such as power or a decision lies with someone , they have power or the right to make a decision 是(某人)的职权;取决于(某人)

Unfortunately, the decision doesn’ t lie with our department. 不幸的是,我们部门无权作这个决定。

2 an old phrase meaning ‘to have sex with someone’ (古时用语)与(某人)性交




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