

单词 shoot
shoot 1 ★★★
1  I/T  to fire a gun 开(枪);射击

We were ordered not to shoot until he gave the signal. 他命令我们在他发出信号之前不能开枪。

+at They were shooting at bottles on a wall. 他们在朝墙上的瓶子射击。

shoot (sb) on sight (=to shoot someone as soon as you see them) Armed officers had instructions to shoot the kidnapper on sight. 一看到(某人)就开枪

shoot to kill (=to intend to kill someone when you shoot at them) It’ s not clear whether they were shooting to kill. 蓄意枪杀

1a  T  used about other weapons that fire things, for example a bow and arrow 射出(弓箭等)
1b  T  to hit someone or something with a bullet from a gun 枪击(某人)

shoot sb in the head/leg/stomach etc The man was shot in the head as he left the bar. 那名男子离开酒吧时头部中枪。

shoot sb dead Two of our officers were shot dead. 我们有两位警员中枪身亡。

shoot sb at close range (=to be very close to them when you shoot) The victim had been shot at close range. 近距离向某人开枪

1c  I  to hunt animals using guns, or fire guns for pleasure 狩猎;(作为娱乐)射击,打枪
2  I/T  in sport , to throw or kick a ball in an attempt to score points 投(球);射门;击(球)

He shot the ball straight at the goalkeeper. 他把球径直向守门员踢去。

We were all shouting for him to shoot. 我们都喊着要他射门。

2a  T  in golf , to get a particular score (高尔夫运动中)击出(…杆)

He shot a 68 in yesterday’ s competition. 在昨天的比赛中他打出了68杆。

2b  T  to play a particular sport 参与…运动

shoot baskets/hoops (=to play basketball) The kids were in the yard shooting hoops. 投篮

shoot pool Let’ s go over to Harry’ s and shoot some pool. 我们去哈里家打会儿台球吧。

3  I  +into/out of/across to move very suddenly and quickly 突然迅速移动

The car shot across the road at high speed. 汽车高速穿过马路。

They could see flames shooting into the air. 他们可以看到火焰猛地窜向空中。

3a  T  to move something quickly and suddenly 使突然快速移动

shoot sth out/into/across etc She shot an arm out to catch it. 她突然伸出一只胳膊去抓它。

3b  T  to direct something somewhere suddenly or with a lot of force (突然或大力地)提出,发出

shoot sth at sb Journalists were shooting questions at us. 记者们连珠炮似地向我们发问。

shoot a look/glance at sb I shot a nervous glance at my partner. 我紧张地向我的搭档瞥了一眼。

3c  I/T  to happen very suddenly and quickly 突然迅速发生

The book has shot straight to the top of the bestseller list. 这本书一下子就跃居畅销书排行榜的前列。

shoot to fame/stardom/celebrity an appearance that shot her to stardom overnight 一次使她一夜成名的露面

4  I/T  to take photographs or make a film or video 拍摄(照片、电影、录像)

We’ re going to start shooting early tomorrow morning. 我们明天一大早开拍。

All the outdoor scenes were shot on location in Wales. 所有外景都是在威尔士外景地拍摄的。

5  T  informal   if you shoot a drug , you put it into your body with a needle 注射(毒品)
-   shoot your bolt BRITISH informal
1 to use all your money or energy in doing something 将所有金钱(或精力)耗费在…上
2 to waste your only chance to do something 浪费唯一一次(做某事的)机会
-   shoot the breeze/bull AMERICAN informal
to spend time talking about unimportant things
-   shoot from the hip informal
to speak very directly and honestly
-   shoot it out informal
to fight with someone using guns
-   shoot your mouth off mainly AMERICAN informal
to annoy people by talking too much , especially talking in a proud way about your own achievements or possessions
-   shoot the rapids
to travel over fast-moving water in a small boat
-   shoot yourself in the foot informal
to say or do something stupid that causes you trouble
ˌshoot ˈdown
1 to kill someone with a gun 枪杀(某人)
1a to shoot an enemy aircraft out of the sky 击落(敌机)
2 to refuse even to consider something such as an idea or a plan 断然否定;断然拒绝

shoot sth down in flames Each proposal was shot down in flames. 所有提案均被断然否决。

ˈshoot ˌfor
shoot for sth: to try to achieve a particular thing 力争达到(某个目标)
ˌshoot ˈoff
to leave a place quickly or suddenly 快速离开(某处);突然离开(某处)
ˌshoot ˈup
1  I  to increase quickly by a large amount 猛涨;快速增长

Petrol prices have shot up in the last six months. 过去6个月中油价猛涨。

1a to grow taller very quickly 迅速长高

She’ s shot up since the last time we saw her. 自我们上次见到她以来,她已经长高了很多。

2  T  MAINLY AMERICAN  to destroy something by shooting bullets at it 用枪击毁
3  I/T  informal   to put an illegal drug into your body with a needle (用针头向体内)注射(毒品)
4  I  to appear suddenly 突然出现

There were fast-food restaurants shooting up all over town. 城里各处突然冒出许多快餐店。





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