

单词 gold
gold 1 ★★★
1  U  a valuable yellow metal used for making jewellery 金;黄金

The picture frames were made of solid gold. 画框是由纯金制成的。

22 carat gold 22开金

1a  U  things such as jewellery and coins that are made of gold 金饰品;金币

Over £80,000 worth of gold was stolen from the safe. 价值8万多英镑的金饰品被从保险柜中偷走。

1b  C/U  a medal made of gold that is given to the winner of a race 金牌

So Australia gets the gold and Britain the silver. 这样澳大利亚获得金牌,英国获得银牌。

We always thought Sally was going to win gold. 我们一直认为萨莉将夺得金牌。

1c  U  used for saying that someone or something is very good or valuable 宝贵的东西;难能可贵的人

That girl is pure gold. 那个女孩极其纯洁善良。

2  C/U  the colour of gold 金色;金黄色

The boat was painted in black and gold. 这艘船被刷成黑色和金色。

the reds and golds of the autumn foliage 秋叶的红色和金黄色

-   a pot/crock of gold
a large amount of money that will make someone rich for ever

Anyone coming here in search of a pot of gold is going to be disappointed. 任何想到这里来大发横财的人都将失望。





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