

单词 run
run 1 ★★★
1  I  to move quickly to a place using your legs and feet 跑;奔跑

You’ ll have to run if you want to catch the bus. 如果你想赶上公共汽车的话,你就得快跑。

+across/into/down etc A cat ran across the road in front of me. 一只猫在我前面跑过马路。

+to I ran to the door and opened it. 我跑到门前,打开了门。

run for cover/shelter We ran for shelter as soon as the rain started. 雨开始下的时候,我们就跑去避雨。

1a  I/T  to run in a race 跑,参加(赛跑)

He’ s running the 100m. 他在跑100米。

+in I’ d love to run in the London Marathon. 我喜欢参加伦敦马拉松赛。

1b  T  to have a race in a particular place or at a particular time 举行(比赛)

The race will be run at 3 pm. 比赛将在下午3点举行。

1c to run as fast as you can 拼命跑
1d  T  to run a particular distance 跑(一段距离)

How quickly can you run a mile? 你跑1英里能多快?

2  T  to control and organize something such as a business , organization , or event 组织;控制;开办

Sue’ s been running a mail-order business for ten years. 休经营邮购业务已经10年了。

run a campaign He was the man who ran Clinton’ s election campaign. 他就是克林顿竞选活动的组织者。

2a to organize and provide something such as a service or course 经营;管理

The shelter is run entirely by volunteers. 这个避难所完全是由志愿者来管理的。

The bus company runs a regular airport shuttle service. 公交公司提供定期的机场班车服务。

3  I/T  if a machine or engine runs or you run it , it is working 开动;操作;运转

Don’ t leave the car engine running. 别让汽车引擎运转着。

I ran the dishwasher even though it wasn’ t full. 尽管洗碗机没装满,我还是把它开动了。

run on petrol/electricity etc Does your car run on petrol or diesel? 你的汽车烧汽油还是柴油?

run off the mains (=use the electricity supply) My laptop can run off the mains or a battery. 使用电力

3a  I/T  to start or use a computer program 启动,运行,执行(计算机程序)

Try running the program again and see if it works. 试着再次启动该程序,看看它是否能运行。

+on The software will run on any PC. 这个软件可以在任何个人计算机上运行。

+under a spreadsheet package that runs under Windows or Unix 在Windows或Unix操作系统下运行的电子表格程序包

3b  T  to own and use a motor vehicle 养(车)

expenses involved in running a car 养车的开销

4  I  if a liquid runs somewhere , it flows there (液体)流动

+down/from etc Tears were running down his face. 眼泪顺着他的脸颊流下来。

Blood ran from a wound in her leg. 血从她腿上的伤口中流了出来。

4a  I  if a river runs somewhere , it flows there (河流)流动

+into/to/from etc The Rhine runs into the North Sea. 莱茵河流入北海。

4b  I/T  if a tap runs or you run it , water comes out of it (水龙头)打开;拧开(水龙头)
4c  I  if something is running with a liquid , the liquid is flowing down it (液体)流下

+with His back was running with sweat. 他的背上淌着汗。

4d  T  to fill a bath or other container with water from a tap 用水龙头给(浴缸或其他容器)注满水

I ran a sink full of cold water. 我打开水龙头给一个水槽注满冷水。

run (sb) a bath Dad offered to run me a bath. 爸爸说给我放一缸洗澡水。

5  I  if a play , film , or television programme runs, it continues to be performed or shown (戏剧、电影或电视节目)上演,播放,放映

a soap opera that has been running for many years 播放了多年的肥皂剧

How long did the film run for? 这部电影要放多长时间?

5a if an official agreement or document runs until a particular time , you can continue to use it until that date (正式协议或文件在某时间之前)有效力

The contract only has another couple of months to run. 合同再有两个月就要到期了。

6  I  if a bus , train etc runs, it travels somewhere at regular times (公共汽车、火车等)定期行驶

The train only runs at weekends. 这列火车只在周末运行。

run on time (=arrive and leave at the right time) Do the buses run on time? 按时行驶;准点运营

be running 10 minutes/two hours etc late The train was running twenty minutes late. 火车晚点20分钟。

6a  T  to take someone somewhere in your car 用车载(某人)到(某地)

run sb to/into John kindly offered to run me into town. 约翰友好地表示愿意开车送我进城。

run sb there/home/back etc I’ ll run you there, it’ s no trouble. 我开车送你到那里,一点儿都不麻烦。

6b  I  if a vehicle runs somewhere , it moves there because the driver is not controlling it properly (汽车因失控而)滚落,滑下

+into/down/through etc The truck ran down the hill and into a shop window. 卡车滑下小山,冲进了一家商店的橱窗。

7  I  usually progressive to reach a particular amount or rate 达到(一定数量或比率)

Ticket prices were running anywhere from £50 to £200. 票价自50至200英镑不等。

+at Inflation is running at 3%. 通货膨胀率达到3%。

8  T  to move or rub something along something else (顺着某物)移动,揉擦

run sth through/across/down sth Fred ran his fingers gently through her hair. 弗雷德用手指轻柔地抚弄着她的头发。

In a fit of jealousy, he ran a key down the side of Greg’ s car. 他感到一阵嫉妒,就用钥匙在格雷格的汽车侧面划了下去。

9  I  if something such as a road or wall runs somewhere , it exists in that place (道路、墙壁等)存在,延伸

+along/around/through etc There was a path running through the middle of the forest. 有条小路一直延伸穿过森林中央。

run parallel to sth A mountain range runs parallel to the western border. 一行山脉与西部边界平行。

10  T  to put something such as a wire or thread somewhere 布,走(电线、线等)

run sth under/behind/through etc sth You could run the cable behind the desk. 你可以把电缆布在书桌后面。

11  I  if a feeling runs through you , you experience it (感觉)遍布全身

A chill ran through me (=I suddenly felt frightened) . 我突然感到一阵恐惧。

11a to have a particular thought 有某种想法

Our thoughts seem to run along the same lines (=we think the same) . 我们的想法如出一辙。

+to His thoughts ran to the first time he had met Matilda. 他的思绪回到了他与玛蒂尔达初次相见时的情景。

sth runs through your mind/head (=you have a particular thought or idea) The thought that she might be lying ran through my mind. 浮现在脑海中;想到

12  T  if newspapers run an article , advertisement , or photograph , they print it (报纸)刊登,登出(文章、广告或照片)
13  I  to try to be elected to an official job or position 竞选;参加竞选

How many candidates are running? 有多少候选人参加竞选?

+for Jackson announced his intention to run for President. 杰克逊宣布他要参加总统竞选。

+against There will be three candidates running against her. 将有3个候选人与她竞选。

14  I  if a piece of clothing or a colour runs, the colour spreads when you wash it (衣物、颜色)褪色,掉色
14a if something such as paint or ink runs, it spreads to where it should not be (颜料、墨水等)渗开,扩散

Crying had made her mascara run. 哭泣使她的睫毛膏渗开了。

14b if something such as butter runs, it becomes liquid and spreads because it is warm (黄油等)化开
15  T  to bring something or someone illegally into a country 非法偷运(某物或某人)

We know of several groups who are running guns into the country. 我们听说有几个正在把枪支偷运到那个国家的团伙。

16  I  to grow in a particular direction (沿特定方向)生长

+up/over Ivy runs up the walls of the house. 常春藤沿着房子的墙壁往上爬。

17  I  to move smoothly 滑动;平滑地移动

The curtains run on these tracks. 窗帘在这些轨道上滑动。

18  I  if a story , argument etc runs in a particular way , this is what happens or what someone says (故事、论点等)是这样

The text ran something like this: ‘Don’ t mess with our business!’ 内容大致是这样:“别插手我们的事!”

19  I  if tights or stockings run , a hole in them becomes longer (连裤袜、长统袜)抽丝,脱线
-   come running
1 to do exactly as someone tells you in a way that makes you look weak 顺从;唯命是从

She just looks at him, and he comes running like a puppy. 她只是看着他,而他像只小狗一般听话。

2 to ask someone for help or sympathy , especially in a way that is annoying (尤指以烦人的方式)寻求帮助(或同情)

+to Don’ t come running to me when Linda dumps you. 琳达甩了你时,你别到我这里来寻求同情。

-   run and do sth spoken
used for telling someone , especially a child , to do something quickly

Run and brush your teeth. 快去刷牙。

-   run checks/tests on
1 to examine someone or something in order to be certain that everything is working correctly 检查;测试
2 to find out information about someone in order to be certain they have not done anything illegal 调查
-   run circles/rings around sb
to do something much better than someone else
-   run dry
1 if a supply of something such as money runs dry , there is no more of it left (资金供应等)枯竭,用完
2 if a river runs dry , there is no water left in it (河流)干涸
-   run your eyes over sth
to look at or read something very quickly

Would you mind running your eyes over this report? 你能把这份报告快速浏览一遍吗?

-   run for it spoken
to run very quickly in order to escape from someone or something

As soon as he looked the other way, we ran for it. 他的眼睛一往别处看,我们就赶快逃跑。

-   run for your life
to run because you are in danger
-   run sb’ s life informal
to keep telling someone what they should do in a way that is annoying

Mum, will you stop trying to run my life! 妈,你别唠叨个没完了!

-   run a mile BRITISH informal
to try to avoid a situation or person because you are embarrassed or frightened

He’ d run a mile if you actually asked him for a date. 如果你真的要和他约会,他会躲得远远的。

-   run sb off the road
to drive in a way that forces someone else’ s car to drive off the road
-   run out of gas/steam
to become too tired to finish something
-   run a (red) light mainly AMERICAN informal
to continue driving even though a traffic light is red and you should stop
-   run riot
1 to behave in a noisy and uncontrolled way 喧闹;撒野

The children were running riot in the garden. 孩子们在花园里疯玩。

2 if your imagination runs riot , you have a lot of strange or exciting thoughts (思绪)自由驰骋
3 if a plant runs riot , it grows in an uncontrolled way (植物)疯长
-   run a risk
to do something that may have a bad result

run the risk of doing sth You run the risk of upsetting her if you tell her the truth. 如果你告诉她真相,你可能会使她不安。

-   run a temperature/fever
to be very hot because you are ill
-   run to fat
to begin to get fat because you are doing less exercise
-   run wild
to behave in an uncontrolled way

Their ten-year-old son is just left to run wild. 他们10岁的儿子简直被宠得没个人样。

-   run with it
to take control of something such as a plan or problem and add your own ideas in order to make it successful

Let’ s pick up this idea and run with it. 让我们重新把这个想法讨论一下,让它充实一点。

-   running high
if a feeling is running high , many people have it

Speculation is running high that the Prince may announce his engagement. 关于王子可能要宣布订婚的猜测闹得沸沸扬扬。

feelings are running high (=many people are angry or upset) Feelings are running high over a proposed new runway at the airport. 群情激愤

-   running late
doing things or arriving in places later than planned

I’ m running a bit late this morning. 我今早稍稍晚了一会儿。

-   running low
if something is running low , or you are running low on something , there is not much of it left

Supplies of food were running low. 食物供应所剩不多。

+on We’ re running low on milk. 我们的牛奶剩得不多了。

-   running scared informal
worried because you know that your opponent is very good or strong
-   running short
to not have many or much of something left

+of sth I’ m running short of ideas. 我已经没什么主意了。

-   sth runs in the/sb’ s family
if something such as a quality or disease runs in someone’ s family , a lot of people in the family have it

Weak eyes run in the family. 弱视会遗传。

-   try to run before you can walk
to try to achieve something very difficult immediately , without first doing more basic things
-   up and running
starting to work correctly

It took two years to get the project up and running. 花了两年时间才使这项工程投入使用。

-   sth will run and run
used for saying that you think something will continue for a long time

This is a debate that will run and run. 这将是一场无休止的辩论。

ˌrun aˈcross
run across sb/sth: to find something or meet someone by chance 偶然发现(或碰见);与…不期而遇

I ran across the letter while I was tidying the drawers. 我在整理抽屉时,偶然发现了那封信。

ˌrun ˈafter
1 run after sb/sth: to chase someone or something 追赶;追逐

Velluci ran after the car waving his fists. 维卢西挥着拳头追赶那辆汽车。

2 run after sb: informal   to try to make someone notice you because you are sexually attracted to them 追求(某人)
ˌrun aˈlong
used for telling children to go away (用于告诉孩子们)走开
ˌrun aˈround or ˌrun ˈround 
to be very busy doing a lot of different things 繁忙;忙碌

I’ ve been running around all day. 我一整天都在忙忙碌碌的。

ˌrun aˈround after or ˌrun ˈround after 
run around/round after sb: to do a lot of things for someone , such as cleaning or getting things 为(某人)忙碌
ˌrun aˈround with
run around with sb: to spend a lot of time with someone , especially someone who other people do not approve of 与(他人不赞同的人)交往;与(某人)厮混
ˌrun aˈway
1 to secretly leave a place where you should stay , because you are not happy there 逃走;逃跑

+from When I was 13, I ran away from home. 我13岁时离家出走。

2 to try to avoid dealing with a difficult or unpleasant situation 逃避(困难或令人不快的局面)

+from You can’ t keep running away from the problem. 你不能再继续逃避这个问题了。

ˌrun aˈway with
1 run away with sb: to secretly leave a place with someone so that you can live together 与(某人)私奔

She ran away with her teacher when she was only sixteen. 她刚刚16岁时就与她的老师一起私奔了。

2 run away with sb: if feelings, ideas etc run away with someone , they make someone say or do something stupid (感情、思想等)控制住(某人),使(某人)说傻话(或做傻事)
3 run away with sth: to steal something , or borrow something without asking 偷走;(未经允许)借走
4 run away with sth: informal   to win a competition , game , or prize very easily 轻而易举地赢得(竞赛、比赛或奖品)
-   run away with the idea/impression that
to believe that something is true when it is not

I wouldn’ t want him to run away with the impression that I don’ t care. 我不想给他留下我不在乎的印象。

ˌrun ˈby
run sth by sb: to tell someone your ideas so that they can give you their opinion 与(某人)探讨(某事)

Can I run a few ideas by you? 我可以和你探讨一些看法吗?

-   run that by me again spoken
used for asking someone to repeat what they have just said
ˌrun ˈdown
1  T  to hit someone with your car and injure or kill them 开车把(某人)撞倒(或撞伤、撞死)

be/get run down She got run down outside school. 她在校门外被车撞倒。

2  T  to criticize someone , especially in an unfair way (尤指不公正地)斥责,批评

You’ re always running me down! 你总是指责我!

run yourself down You’ re a brilliant mother. Why do you run yourself down? 你是一个很出色的母亲,你为什么要自责呢?

3  I/T  if something such as a machine or clock runs down , or you run it down , it gradually stops working because it has no power (使)(机器、钟等)停;(使)(电)用完

Switch your headlights off, or you’ ll run the battery down. 把你的前灯关掉,要不然电池就会用完的。

4  I/T  BRITISH  if a business or organization runs down or someone runs it down , it gradually becomes smaller (使)(企业或组织)规模逐渐减小

They’ ve been running the factory down for the last five years. 在过去的5年里他们一直在减小工厂的规模。

The decision was taken to let the steel industry run down. 作出这个决定是为了让钢铁工业逐渐缩小规模。

5  T  run down sth: to quickly read everything on a list 快速看(清单);扫一眼(清单)

I’ ll just run down the list and see if we’ ve forgotten anything. 我只快速看了一下清单,看看我们有没有什么遗漏。

See also -> rundown
ˌrun ˈin
1 to drive a new vehicle slowly so that you do not damage the engine 磨合(新车)
2 run sb in: informal old-fashioned   to find a criminal and take them to a police station 抓获;拘捕
ˌrun ˈinto
1 run into sb: to meet someone when you did not expect to 与(某人)不期而遇;邂逅

Guess who I ran into this morning? 猜猜我今早碰到谁啦?

2 run into sb/sth: to hit someone or something by accident while you are driving 开车意外撞上

A truck ran into me (=hit my car) at the lights this morning. 今天早晨一辆卡车在红绿灯处撞上了我的车。

-   run into (the) millions/hundreds/thousands etc
to reach a particular amount

Flood damages could run into millions. 洪灾损失可能高达几百万。

-   run into trouble/difficulty/problems etc
to start to have troubledifficultyproblems etc

Our project ran into difficulties when we lost a sponsor. 我们失去一个赞助者时,我们的项目遇到了困难。

ˌrun ˈoff
1  I  to suddenly leave a place or person 突然离开;逃跑

Their dad ran off when they were little. 他们很小的时候,父亲就突然离开了他们。

2  T  to quickly print a copy of something 快速打印出(或复印出)

Would you mind running off some more copies of the agenda? 你能快点给我再印几份会议议程吗?

3  T  to quickly and easily write something such as a poem or speech 迅速而轻松地写出(诗歌、演讲稿等)

James can just run off a poem for any occasion. 詹姆斯能够就任何主题轻而易举地写出一首诗。

4  I/T  if a liquid runs off or you run it off , it flows away from or out of something (使)(液体)流走(或流掉)

This channel allows rainwater to run off. 这条水渠可以排走雨水。

5  T  run sb off: AMERICAN  very informal   to force someone to leave a place 撵走;赶走
-   run off at the mouth AMERICAN spoken
to talk too much
ˌrun ˈoff with
1 run off with sb: to secretly leave a place with someone in order to marry them or have a sexual relationship with them 与(某人)私奔

They said Phil had run off with his wife’ s best friend. 他们说菲尔与他妻子最好的朋友一起私奔了。

2 run off with sth: to steal something or take it without permission 偷走;私自拿走
ˌrun ˈon
1 to continue for longer than expected or planned 超出(预计或计划的时间)

I hope this meeting doesn’ t run on too long. 我希望这个会不要开得太长。

2 MAINLY AMERICAN  to talk for a long time about something in a way that is boring .  BRITISH usually go on 讲个不停;喋喋不休
ˌrun ˈout
1  I  +of: to use all of something and not have any left 用光;耗尽

Many hospitals are running out of money. 许多医院都快没有资金了。

2  I  if something runs out , you do not have any more of it left 用光;耗尽

They returned home from South Africa when their money ran out. 他们的钱花光时,便从南非返回家乡。

3  I  if time is running out , you do not have long to do something (时间)到了,耗尽
4  I  if a pen runs out , it has no more ink left in it (笔中的墨水)用完,耗尽
5  I  if an official agreement or document runs out , it stops being legal at a certain date (正式协议、文件)到期,期满

My contract runs out next July. 我的合同明年7月到期。

When does your passport run out? 你的护照什么时候到期?

6  T  if someone is run out in cricket , they have to stop hitting the ball and leave the field because the other team hits one set of stumps (= sticks) with the ball before they can reach it (板球比赛中)将(击球手)杀出局
-   run sb out of town old-fashioned
to make a criminal or a person you do not like leave a town
ˌrun ˈout on
run out on sb: to suddenly leave your wife , husband , or partner 突然离开,抛弃,遗弃(妻子、丈夫或伙伴)

Jane’ s husband ran out on her when their children were still young. 简的丈夫在他们的孩子还很小的时候就抛弃了她。

ˌrun ˈover
1  T  to hit someone or something with a vehicle and drive over them (开车)碾过,轧过

be/get run over Keeley was run over by a car outside her house. 基利在她屋外被一辆汽车轧了。

2  T  run over sth: to practise what you are going to say in a speech , performance etc 练习;排演
3  T  run over sth: to explain something again so that someone understands 再次解释

Would you run over the sequence of events again? 你能重新讲一遍事情的顺序吗?

4  T  to think a lot about something , such as a decision or experience 反复考虑;沉思

I couldn’ t stop running it over in my mind. 我禁不住反复考虑起这件事来。

5  I  to continue for longer than planned 超出(预期的时间)

Sorry I’ m late, the meeting ran over. 对不起我来晚了,会议超时了。

6  I  if a container runs over , there is too much liquid in it (容器中液体)溢出
ˌrun ˈround
ˌrun ˈround after
ˌrun ˈthrough
1 run through sth: to explain or read something quickly 迅速解释(或读)

I’ ll just run through the names and make sure everyone’ s here. 我来快速看一下名字,看看是否所有人都在这儿。

Do you want me to run through the details with you? 你想让我向你快速讲述一遍细节吗?

2 run through sth: to practise something so that it is correct for a performance or test 练习;排演

Let’ s just run through the piece one more time. 我们把这支曲子再练一遍吧。

3 run through sb/sth: if a feeling runs through a group of people , they all feel it (感觉)传遍(整个群体)

Fear ran through the crowd as a shot was heard. 听到枪响时,恐惧传遍整个人群。

4 run through sth: if a quality or idea runs through something , you can find it in many parts of that thing (品质或思想)贯穿于,普遍存在于

The theme of jealousy runs through a lot of her work. 嫉妒这个主题普遍存在于她的许多作品中。

There was a lot of bitterness running through their conversation. 他们的谈话中流露出许多辛酸。

5 run through sth: to spend or use a lot of money in a short period of time 挥霍;很快花掉

The project ran through £50 million in the first year. 第一年这个项目就花掉了5,000万英镑。

6 run sb through: literary   to push a sword through someone’ s body (用剑)穿透,刺穿(某人)
ˈrun to
1 run to sb: to ask someone for help , especially when you should not need their help (尤指不该求助时)求助于

Aren’ t you a little old to run home to your mother? 难道你不觉得跑回家向你母亲求助,你的年纪也太大了一点儿吗?

2 run to sth: to reach a particular amount , especially a large amount 达到(一定数量,尤指大的数量)

The cost of repairs ran to £2 million. 维修费用达到了200万英镑。

The interview transcripts run to over 120 pages. 采访记录长达120多页。

3 run to sth: usually in negatives BRITISH  to have enough money to buy a particular thing 有足够的钱买(某物)

I don’ t think we can run to a new television at the moment. 我认为我们目前没有足够的钱买新电视机。

ˌrun ˈup
1 if you run up a bill or debt , you owe someone a lot of money 积欠(账款或债务)

My son ran up a huge phone bill. 我儿子欠了一大笔电话费。

2 to make something very quickly , especially something that you sew 赶制;(尤指)迅速缝制

I can run up a pair of curtains in a day. 我可以在一天内赶制好一对窗帘。

3 to raise a flag to the top of a pole 升(旗)
ˌrun ˈup aˌgainst
run up against sb/sth: if you run up against problems, difficulties etc, you have to deal with them 遭遇,遇到(问题、困难等)

England ran up against a formidable opponent last Saturday. 英格兰队上星期六遇到了不好对付的对手。

We ran up against a few problems finding enough money. 我们在筹集充足的资金方面遇到了一些困难。

See also
course 1
cut 1
deep 2
foot 1




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