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方向,C。 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Actually, what is implicit in this explanation is that I am counting positively all the stuff that flows across C in the direction of n and negatively what flows in the opposite direction. 以上的解释实际默认了,把沿着n方向流过C的,都算作正值,相反方向的,算作负值。 - 2
If I walk along c, I should say in the positive direction, in the direction that I have chosen to Orient c. 如果沿着C走,我应该说沿着C的正方向走,就是我确定了C的定向。 - 3
Progress of biology and bionomics of C sasakii were discussed, . to seek further research direction as well as to explore new ways to control the peach fruit moth. 从生物学和生态学两方面论述了桃小食心虫研究的最新进展,为寻求桃小食心虫的进一步研究方向以及探讨新的防治途径提供依据。