释义 |
cumber 英/ ?k?mb?(r) / 美/ ?k?mb?r / - vt.阻碍,妨害;使受苦
- n.拖累,累赘;妨害
- n.(Cumber)人名;(英)坎伯
1 ?烦累 ... culturist文化主义者 cumber烦累 cumbrous笨重的 ... 2 ?拖累 ... digress v. 走向岔道, 离开本题(deviate,turn away), 扯到枝节上 cumber vt. 拖累, 妨碍 involuntary adj. 自然而然的,无意识的,不知不觉的 ...
- 1
I change my dress for her night after night, leaving the tattered cumber of the old in the wayside inns when the day dawns. 每个夜晚都为她换上新装,每个清晨,我都将褴褛的旧衣留在路旁的客栈里。 - 2
The five coverings which usually are the hurdles in practice, such as avarice, wrath, dullness, agitation and doubt, can't cumber him. 一般凡人的贪欲、瞋恚、疑法、掉悔、睡眠等五盖都被他突破了,再也不能成为他修行路上的障碍。