为了废除对股票、租赁、抵押贷款、支票所征收的形形色色的销售税、金融机构职责税、借贷税、床税 (bed tax)、印花税等等,澳大利亚引进了一个基础广泛的消费税。本来商业房产(包括土地)的印花税也应废除,但是,各州却迟迟不愿实施,最...
... 新西兰酒店业一直在抱怨受到民宿的不公平竞争,因为后者无需缴税,具有价格优势。 如今,奥克兰City Council决定对民宿业主征收床位税(bed tax),并将床位放进地税一起征收。 本周奥克兰的民宿业主就会收到新的地税单。
In January Republican Governor Frank Murkowski proposed a 5% bed tax on all hotel rooms and cruise ships in Alaskan waters.
After Royal Caribbean admitted to dumping waste, the town narrowly passed a 4% bed tax and a 4% tax on organized tours in 2001.
"Romney hasn't helped himself by not putting these issues to bed with the tax situation and has allowed these issues to linger, " Hetherington said.
CNN: Is Romney's campaign stalled?