释义 |
Central America 英/ ?sentr?l ??mer?k? / 美/ ?sentr?l ??mer?k? / - 1
历史学 中美洲 Reagan Administration aimed at annihilating the Sandinista regime, supporting Salvadoran government’s attacking to guerrillas, and restraining the permeation of Soviet Union and Cuba in Central America. 因此,里根政府的中美洲政策核心就是不惜一切代价摧垮尼加拉瓜桑地诺政权,支持萨尔瓦政府进攻游击队,阻止苏联和古巴的渗透。
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Serving North, Central and South Americas – Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA and Monterrey, Mexico; 美国的哈德森堡及墨西哥的蒙特雷工厂主要服务于南北美洲市场; - 2
This is because the oldest Y-chromosome lineage in the Americas originated in Central Asia 15,000-20,000 years ago, and then migrated to the northeast, across the Bering Strait. 这是因为,在美洲,最老的Y染色体血统起源于亚洲中部于15,000至20,000年以前,然后迁移到东北部跨过白令海峡。