商业交易商( Commercial Traders) : 若交易者利用期货契约 从事避险( 根据CFTC 的规范) , 则归类于商业交易商。
(4)商业交易者(commercial trader)。 商业交易者本身主要以从事现货市场交易为主,其之所以参与外汇期货市场的交易,主要出于规避汇率风险的动机,也可利用期货市场...
The same thing occurred in the legacy report, and now the non-commercial trader is net long 2, 540 contracts.
FORBES: Speculators Continue To Build Bullish Positions In Metals- CFTC
In the legacy report, the non-commercial trader is net short 3, 608 contracts.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Continue To Cut Exposure To Most Metals- CFTC
This category shows that the non-commercial trader is nearly completely long in the white metal, with total gross shorts at 3, 808 contracts.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Take Big Long Positions In Gold - CFTC