释义 |
- adj.压实的
- v.把……紧压在一起(或压实);(物质)变紧密;紧密地形成;缩短,精简;订立(或签订)(协定)(compact 的现在分词)
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交通运输工程 压实 In use of compacting machineries, the vibrating compactor has been mainly using to be compacted in domestic and foreign. 在路基压实机具的使用方面,国内外较常采用振动压路机进行压实。
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机械工程 压实 Normally,for the product line manufacturing of continual soft materials,the operation of folding,compacting,and packaging is conducted outside the product line. Each of the three steps,folding,compacting,and packaging,is processed by a different machine. 用于连续柔软物料的铺叠压实包装机一般采用生产线外操作,铺叠、压实、包装分步进行。 压制 Properties of the slab made from the large size particle were studied by contrast three compacting process with different pressure and sinter technics. 本文选用大粒度钼粉(3.5~4.5μm),经过制定三种压力的压制工艺、两种烧结工艺进行对比试验。
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