释义 |
1 ?崇义县 ...uan (安远县), Dingnan (定南县), Longnan (龙南县), Quannan (全南县), Xinfeng (信丰县), Dayu (大余县), Chongyi (崇义县), Shangyou (上犹县)
- 1
How long have you been in Chongyi? - 2
The postcode of Chongyi County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, China is 341300. 中国大陆江西省赣州市崇义县的邮政编码是341300。 - 3
The author USES cases from the survey of the tourism program planning of ChongYi county, JiangXi province, to discuss the issues mentioned above. 笔者借助江西省崇义县旅游规划调查案例,对上述问题进行初步探讨。