释义 |
1 ?砂金 ... stream 流 stream gold 砂金 streaming box 洗矿槽 ... 2 ?河金 ... stream gaging station ==> 测流站 stream gold ==> 河金 stream gradient ==> 河道比降,河道坡度,河流比降,河流坡降 ...
- 1
They produce an income stream, whereas gold doesn't. - 2
We feel like lonely prospectors, who, returning to a favourite stream, find it overtaken by a gold rush. 我们感到像一个孤独的探矿者,我们返回最喜欢的河流,赶上了一场淘金热。 - 3
The child turned her eyes to the point indicated; and there lay the scarlet letter, so close upon the margin of the stream, that the gold embroidery was reflected in it. 在小溪的这边岸上!” 那孩子的目光转向指给她看的地方;红字就躺在那里,紧靠着岸边,金丝刺绣还在溪中反着光。