③ 给药方法: 以腹腔注射2%醋酸引起的大鼠扭体反应(writhing response)作为内脏痛的实验模型:以生 理盐水将冰醋酸稀释至2%,3ml/kg 腹腔注射(开始计时),I 分钟后按分组从腹壁另一侧穿 刺分别将上述...
L-NAME injected in advance enhanced the effect of OMT on antagonism of the writhingresponse caused by acetic acid.
预先给予L - NAME能增强OMT对抗冰醋酸所致小鼠扭体反应的作用。
JLZS showed a potent inhibitory activity on the acetic acid induced writhing and formalin induced f, s phase pain response, but heat induced pain like response was not inhibited significantly.