释义 |
1 [无化]?一氧化硫 答:中文名称:一氧化硫 英文名称:sulfur monoxide 分子式:SO 分子量: 48.05 形状、气味:无色气体,有类似于H2S的臭味。稳定性:不稳定,易聚合为二聚体。化学式:(SO)2。它们都非常不稳定。只存在于毫
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WMO scientists assess and monitor air pollutants such as ground-level ozone, smog, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide. 世界气象组织的科学家对地面臭氧、烟雾、空气悬浮微粒子、二氧化硫、一氧化碳之类的污染物质进行评估监测。 - 2
The scientists also evaluated levels of ozone, nitric oxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide, but these showed a much weaker relationship. 科学家也评估臭氧、一氧化氮、二氧化硫和一氧化碳的水平,但是这些现实一种很弱的联系。 - 3
In the birth stage of earth, the air was full of poisonous gases, such as gas of sulfur, carbon monoxide. 当地球初生之时,空气中充满着硫磺、一氧化碳等含毒气体。