释义 |
- 紧身衣:一种贴身穿着的衣物,通常由弹性材料制成,紧贴身体轮廓。
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Jacqui Moore, 41, has had 85 per cent of her flesh inked with a continuous black and grey "full body-suit" tattoo, a process which has taken eight years. 41岁的杰克奎·摩尔将自己全身85%的皮肤进行了纹身,这套灰黑色的“全身套装”花了8年的时间才完成。 - 2
When mom told me something didn't suit me, or I needed a bigger size, all I heard was that my body was wrong. 当妈妈告诉我有些衣服不适合我,或者我需要更大的尺码时,我听到的只是我的身体出了问题。 - 3
Instead, one activist, dressed in a full-body monkey suit, had arrived with a sign praising the filmmakers: "Thanks for not using real apes!" 相反,一名全身穿着猴子套装的激进分子拿着赞扬制片人的标语到来,其上面写着:“感谢你没有使用真猿!”