释义 |
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They show tribe members outside thatched huts, surrounded by the dense jungle, pointing bows and arrows up at the camera. 它们展示了被茂盛的丛林环绕的茅屋,屋外的土著们用弓箭对准了摄像头。 - 2
Behind, a cello played by two bows periodically strikes up-a compelling lament, one year on, for the World Trade Centre's ghostly fallout. 其后,两张琴弓共同拉着一把大提琴,演奏周而复始地进行着—牵动人心的哀悼,一年之后,献给世贸中心鬼魅般的浮尘。 - 3
Little children ran among them, swooping and laughing; little boys with big white silk bows under their chins; little girls, little French dolls, dressed up in velvet and lace. 孩子们在他们中间奔跑着,打闹着,大声笑着,男孩子们下巴底下戴着大个的白色丝绸蝴蝶领结,女孩子们打扮得就像法国玩具娃娃,穿着丝绸带花边的衣服。