... in dumb show用哑剧表演, 打手势表示 show the wing(用飞行访问)显示空军力量 stop the show被观众的掌声打断演出 ...
So is the pedaconference (a term made famous by the TV showThe West Wing, which often depicted breathless meetings taking place along the halls of the White House) particular to Silicon Valley?
因此,是不是可以说, “走路会议” 【这个词出自电视剧《白宫西翼》( The West Wing),用来描述那些在白宫走廊里让人透不过气的会议】对硅谷具有特别的意义?
The team used simulation tools to show it was possible to achieve over-land flight by dramatically lowering the level of sonic booms through the use of an "inverted-V" engine-under wing configuration.
MATTHEW PERRY`S (Chanddler) recent TV show Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, written by the West Wing`s Aaron Sorkin, was also cancelled after just a single season.