格达费之子哈米斯(Khamis Kadhafi)指挥的32旅于萨拉丁(Salaheddin)的军事基地被反抗军拿下后,焦黑遗骸被当地居民发现。萨拉丁位于首都的黎波里南方 日立服务站郊区。
据法新社5月26日报道, 美军发言人表示,驻伊美军在伊拉克首都巴格达北部的萨拉赫丁省(Salaheddin)遭到简易bz装置(IEDs)袭击,一名士兵死亡,两名受伤。
还有就是在《东方图书书目》的萨拉赫丁(Salaheddin)项下,所有从阿布法拉吉乌斯(Abulpharagius, Gregory, 1226 A.D.1286 A.D.
"They are besieging our area, " Abu Omar, a resident of the Salaheddin neighorhood, said.
CNN: Clock ticks for 'mother of all battles' in Aleppo
"They are besieging our area, " said Abu Omar, a resident of the Salaheddin neighborhood.
CNN: Syrian forces hammer Aleppo as the opposition urges action
Bombs also killed one person east of Tikrit in Salaheddin and another in Diyala.
CNN: Wave of violence in Iraq claims more than 80 lives