释义 |
1 ?价格波动 原创:上海股票市场波动的非对称性和杠杆效应研究 - 管理财经 - xzbu.com 中国论文网 关键词:价格波动;ARCH模型;非对称性;杠杆效应 [gap=401]Key Words:price fluctuations,ARCH model,asymmetry,leverage 2 ?价格在上下波动 ...锻炼身体 ? That way, we can raise our own cultivation, and can be physical activity 价格在上下波动 ? Price fluctuations 我们住的离我们学校很近 ? We live in is close to our school .. 3 ?价格涨落 ... 价格预测 price expectation 价格涨落 price fluctuations 价格折扣 price markdown ... 4 ?定价浮动 ... 反垄断 antitrust; anti-monopoly 定价浮动 price fluctuations 谋求利益最大化 to maximize profit ...
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Thus the price fluctuations that come with boom and bust, and encourage overfishing, would be smoothed out. - 2
Producers could find it harder to plan capital expenditure and buyers would be exposed to price fluctuations. 生产者会更难就资本开支做出计划,而购买者会受到价格波动的影响。 - 3
Always remember that weather markets are mercurial, extreme in price fluctuations, and very difficult to master. 始终记住,气候市场是变幻无常,价格变动剧烈,极难把握的市场。