... scrupulosity顾虑过度 scrutineer监票人 scrutingofvouchers凭证的审核 ...
... examiner 主考者 scrutineer 检查者 headcounter 人口普查员; 民意测验者...
... 缺席投票人????absentee voter 投票监票人????scrutineer 投票人名单????bid sheet ...
... scrupulousness = 小心翼翼 scrutineer = 检查人 scrutineers = 检查人 ...
The first scrutineer uses the plate as a cover when shaking the receptacle to mix the ballots.
NPR: The Papal Transition: An Overview
There's so much checking and rechecking that it's just not possible for a scrutineer to misrecord the votes.
CNN: How secure is the papal election?
BBC's recent appointment of an independent scrutineer of its Middle East coverage (which, Fox said, has a pro-Arab bias).
ECONOMIST: Ofcom ticks off Fox News for a rant against the BBC