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肾单位 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?肾单位 肾单位(renal unit)主要由肾小球和肾小管组成,是肾脏结构与功能的基本单位,肾小球由毛细血管丛组成,期间有系膜组织支持,系膜细胞发挥着重要作用;肾小...
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Surgery is the main treatment for ureteral polyps and a correct choice of the surgical approach should be decided by the lesion size, Numbers, position and loss degree of renal unit function. 输尿管息肉的治疗以手术为主,应根据息肉的大小、数量、部位及肾脏受累程度选择单纯切除术、输尿管部分切除术和肾盂成形术等。 - 2
In this paper, a microprocessor-based renal preservation system, which is composed of perfusion unit, constant temperature unit, oxygenated unit, flowmeter and measure interfaces, is described. 本文介绍一种微机控制的肾脏保存系统,它由灌注装置、恒温装置、氧合装置、流量计和测量接口组成。