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管理预算办公室, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
According to OMB historical documents, the budget deficit averaged just under 2 percent of GDP during those three years. 根据OM B历史文档,这三年,预算赤字大概在GDP的2%之下。 - 2
Additionally, the state ranks second worst, just behind Florida, for hazardous waste violations since 2000, as reported by the nonprofit group OMB Watch. 根据非盈利团体管理与预算办公室观察,自从2000年,对于危险废料的违法行为,该州仅次于福罗里达州,排名倒数第二。 - 3
The OMB numbers actually show an increase in the debt in 2012, turning into a small decrease in 2013, once the effects of the job stimulus are included. 把刺激再就业政策纳入计算的话,OMB数字显示2012年债务其实是会上升的,到2013年才会减小。