早至1994年,苏格兰国家美术馆用来自国家遗产纪念基金会(National Heritage Memorial Fund)和已故的慈善家约翰·保罗·盖蒂二世(John Paul Getty II)的一大笔捐款将另一件“三美神”[卡诺瓦(Canova)的雕塑]留在了国内。
The papers were eventually purchased using money raised by journalist Gareth Halfacree, who has been campaigning for some time, Google, the NationalHeritageMemorialFund, and private donors.
BBC: Why is Google in love with Bletchley Park?
"However, there would be significant implications for Wales and the other devolved nations if the English Heritage were to be merged with the UK-wide Heritage Lottery Fund and NationalHeritageMemorialFund, " said the spokesperson.
BBC: Concern for Welsh heritage over leaked quango axe plan