释义 |
- 增肌素:指能够促进肌肉生长和增强的营养补充剂或训练方法。
1 ?增肌 ... 一氧化氮 NO 增肌 Muscle Builder 抗氧化物 Antioxidant ... 2 ?肌肉健壮器 ... 握力器 hand grips [dynamometer] 肌肉健壮器 muscle builder 高压室 hyperbaric chamber ... 3 ?健美者与力量 American)和《健美者与力量》(Muscle Builder/Power)。他把这个杂志有价值的部分裁剪下来并整理保存好,在洛杉矶时他只要一有空就逛各书店寻找健美杂志,他所惧的有从本世纪初... 4 ?肌肉构建器 ... Copy Vertex Weights(拷贝顶点权重) Muscle Builder(肌肉构建器) Attach to Motion Path(连接到运动路径) ...
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We have here the race apparatus, stationary bike, muscle builder set, chest expander, bar bell, dumb bell and so on. 我们这儿有赛跑器械、固定自行车、肌肉健壮器、扩胸器、杠铃、哑铃等。 - 2
Shuttlecock is main activity in the spare time of our company, as well as a health promotion and muscle builder set. 可活动筋骨,促进健康,是目前我所在公司工作闲暇之余的主要活动。 - 3
"Anytime you're in an anabolic state or building muscle," Pipitone says, "such as if you're an extreme endurance athlete, training for a marathon, or you're a body builder." 皮皮托内说:“当你处于合成代谢状态或正在锻炼肌肉时,比如你是一名极限耐力运动员,正在进行马拉松训练,或者你是一名健美运动员。”