1_Corinthians_bible_Ch_15... ... 太阳的光辉是一样,月亮的光辉又是一样,星辰的光辉另是一样;而且星辰与星辰的光辉又有分别。 41The brightness of the sun differs from the brightness of the moon and the stars, and the stars differ from one another in brightness. 死人的复活也是这样:播种的是可朽坏的,复活起来的是不可朽坏的; 42It is the same with the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in decomposition; it will be raised never more to die. 播种的是可羞辱的,复活起来的是光荣的;播种的是软弱的,复活起来的是强健的; 43It is sown in humiliation, and it will be raised for Glory. It is buried in weakness, but the resurrection shall be with power. When buried it is a natural body, but it will be raised as a spiritual body. ...