释义 |
- 半剖视:指通过切割物体的一部分来展示其内部结构的视图。
- 半成面:指在建筑设计中,将建筑物的一部分展示为半成品的外观。
- 半节:指音乐中的一种节奏,将一个完整的节拆分为两个相等的部分。
1 ?半断面 ... half scarf ==> 半叠接 half section ==> 半断面,半截面,半剖面,半剖视 half sectional view ==> 片侧断面図 ...
- 1
Can you put me in the first half section of the plane? - 2
The full railway, which includes 72-kilometers section through Beijing, will be completed in four and a half years. 京沪高铁将在四年半内建成,其中经过北京的部分长达72公里。 - 3
As one person ironically put it in the comments section of Schwartz's online article, "As I was reading this very excellent article, I stopped at least half a dozen times to check my email." 正如一个人在施瓦茨的在线文章的评论部分中讽刺地指出的那样,“当我阅读这篇非常出色的文章时,我至少停下来六次来查看我的电子邮件。”