Wash one's hands只是go to the toilet(上厕所)的委婉说法,和例5中的powder one’s nose 有异曲同工之妙。
吃饭时,一接待人员说去方便一下(go to convenience once),老外不解,旁人解释说他是去厕所(go to the toilet)。敬酒时,另一人说希望他下次出国能给予方便(give convenient)。
...ed a United States latest trend of thought in the field of literature and advanced theories 上厕所去 ? Go to the toilet 我则认为这是不必要的,因为过生日还是应该和家人在家过比较好 ? I think this is unnecessary because the birthday also was a...
... 去年他妈妈把他送到了农村 ? Last year, his mother sent him to the countryside 去了卫生间 ? Go to the toilet 泰语语音I ? thai voice I ...