释义 |
1 ?地面设备 长征系列火箭地面发射技术的成就与未来(1) - 军事科学 - 全球防务 关键词 火箭,地面设备,中国。[gap=410]Key Words Launch vehicle, Ground equipment, China.
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Furthermore, the elastomer compatibility of hydraulic fluid for military ground equipment is also discussed. 此外,介绍了各国地面军事装备用液压油对橡胶相容性的要求。 - 2
Besides, it also presents the weapon system's fire control system, launch system, ground equipment, and operational process. 此外,还介绍了武器的火控系统、发射装置、地面设备以及武器系统的作战过程。 - 3
Sports injury is closely related with sports events, sports technique, physical condition of exerciser, and ground equipment. 运动损伤与体育运动项目、运动技术动作、锻炼者的身体状况、场地设备等情况有着密切的关系。