释义 |
- 高级指挥部:指在军队或其他组织中负责制定和执行战略决策的最高级别的领导机构。
- 1
In the older days of AIX, you would have modified this database using low-level commands that involved a high degree of risk to the server, where one typo could wreck the operating system. 在AIX的早期,用户通常使用低级命令修改这个数据库,这给服务器带来了很大风险,一个输入错误就可能破坏操作系统。 - 2
IDS already has tools for loading and unloading of data. These include the dbimport, dbexport, dbaccess commands (load and unload), High Performance Loader (HPL), and dbload. IDS还提供一些数据加载和卸载工具,包括:dbimport、dbexport、dbaccess命令(加载和卸载)、High Performance Loader (HPL)和dbload。 - 3
These are the sort of lions and tigers of the sea and, unfortunately, they're prized for their shark fin, which commands a high price in the Asian marketplace. 鲨鱼是海洋中的狮子和老虎,不幸的是,那些人对于它们的鱼翅如获至宝,其中一些在亚洲市场叫价很高。