

单词 brush
释义 brush/brʌʃ/ n. & v.n. 1 an implement with bristles, hair, wire, etc. varying in firmness set into a block or projecting from the end of a handle, for any of various purposes, esp. cleaning or scrubbing, painting, arranging the hair, etc. (鬃、毛、铁丝等的)刷,毛刷;画笔;毛笔(尤用于清洗、擦净、绘画及头发整理等) 2 the application of a brush; brushing (用刷子)刷;涂抹 3a (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 with) a short esp. unpleasant encounter (尤指令人不快的)小接触;小冲突 a brush with the law 轻微地触犯法律 b a skirmish 小摩擦,小争执 4a the bushy tail of a fox (狐狸的)毛茸茸的尾巴 b a brushlike tuft 刷状物 5 Electr. a piece of carbon or metal serving as an electrical contact esp. with a moving part 【电】(尤指与活动部件接触的)电刷 6 esp. N. Amer. & Austral. [尤北美澳]a undergrowth, thicket; small trees and shrubs 灌木丛;小树丛 b US such wood cut in faggots []砍下的树枝柴把 c land covered with brush 灌木丛地带 d Austral. dense forest []密林 7 Austral. & NZ slang a girl or young woman [澳新] [俚语]姑娘;年轻妇女 v. 1 tr.a sweep or scrub or put in order with a brush (用刷子)刷;擦;刷整齐 b treat (a surface) with a brush so as to change its nature or appearance (用毛笔或画笔在表面)写;画 2 tr.a remove (dust etc.) with a brush (用刷子)掸;拂(尘土等) b apply (a liquid preparation) to a surface with a brush 刷上;涂抹(液剂) 3 tr. & intr. graze or touch in passing 触及;擦过;掠过 4 intr. perform a brushing action or motion 刷;掸;擦 brush aside dismiss or dispose of (a person, idea, etc.) curtly or lightly ()打发走;对(建议、想法等)置之不理,漠视 brush off rebuff; dismiss abruptly 粗鲁地拒绝;打发走 brush over paint lightly 轻轻地刷 brush up 1 Brit. clean up or smarten []刷干净;使整洁 2 (often foll. by 常后跟 on) revive one's former knowledge of (a subject) 重温(课程) brushlike adj. brushy adj.[Middle English from Old French brosse]




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