释义 |
wa.tersH5wC:7tEz, $5wB:7tLzpl nA country's waters refers to the area of sea that is near to it and belongs to it.领海St Lucia depends on clean coastal waters because fishing and tourism provide much of its income.圣卢西亚岛依赖于清洁的近海水域,因为捕鱼业和旅游业占其收入的很大部分。In the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico, oil rigs attract shoals of fish, and fishermen too.在墨西哥湾的浅水域,石油钻塔吸引了成群的鱼,也吸引了很多渔民。(fig.) After the Wall Street crash, the American economy moved into uncharted waters (= a situation not experienced before and where there is nothing to lead you in the right direction).在华尔街暴跌之后,美国经济转向了一片未知的世界。(fig.) In the last two chapters of the book, she enters the murky waters of (= complicated areas of thought about) male sexuality.在书的最后两章,她进入了关于男子性行为的复杂思想领域。(old use) The waters, esp. in the past, was often used to refer to water from a spring, esp. when it was being drunk or used for swimming in order to improve the health.(尤指供饮用或游泳用的)泉水In those days, people used to come to this city especially to take (= drink and swim in) the waters.在那些日子里,人们常常为了享用泉水而特地来到这座城市。When a pregnant woman's (Br and Aus) waters break/(Am) water breaks, the liquid surrounding the baby in her womb suddenly flows out through her vagina, showing that the baby is almost ready to be born.羊水破裂At around three o'clock her waters broke, so we rushed her into hospital.3点钟左右她的羊水破了,因此我们迅速将她送到了医院。