释义 |
sport.yH5spC:7ti, $5spC:r7tiadj-ier, -iest A person who is sporty enjoys sport and is good at it.喜爱运动的人,擅长运动者He's not really the sporty type.他可不是个擅长运动的人。Clothes which are sporty are bright and informal, often looking like the type of clothes that you could wear for sports.亮丽而非正式的衣服(常在消遣运动时穿)I thought I'd go for the sporty look in my long blue shorts and sweatshirt.我过去认为自己适宜于运动装,穿蓝色宽松运动短裤和无领长袖运动衫。A sporty car is a fast low car, often for two people only.跑车,赛车She turned up in a sporty red two-seater.她出现在一辆红色的双座跑车中。