释义 |
of.fence UPSET FEELINGSAm usually of.fense E5fentsn [U]upset and hurt feelings or feelings of annoyance, often because someone has been rude or shown a lack of respect冒犯, 伤感情I really didn't mean (to cause/give) any offence (= did not intend to upset anyone) -- I was just stating my opinion.我真的不想冒犯任何人----我只是陈述我的观点。Do you think he took offence (= was upset) at what I said about his hair?你认为我对他头发的评论令他感到不快吗?(infml) If you don't mind I'd rather go on my own --no offence (intended), but I think it would be better.如果你不介意,我宁愿自己去----没有恶意,只是我觉得这样会更好。