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sail MATERIALseIln [C]a sheet of material fixed to a vertical pole on a boat to catch the wind and make the boat move帆,篷Sails were traditionally made of canvas, but now they are usually made of synthetic material.过去帆都是用帆布做的,但现在通常用合成材料做。They hoisted/lowered the sails.他们升起/降下船帆。To set sail is to begin a boat journey.启航We set sail from Kuwait.我们从科威特启航。They set sail for (= in order to travel to) France.他们启航驶往法国。After ten hours under sail (= being moved by wind pushing sails), they reached dry land.经过10小时的扬帆航行,他们抵达了陆地。On a WINDMILL, a sail is any of the wide blades which are turned by the wind in order to produce power.(风车的)风翼