释义 |
mark JUDGMENTHmB:k, $mB:rkn [C]a judgment, expressed as a number or letter, about the quality of a piece of work done at school, college or university(学校作业的)评分,等级"What mark did you get in the biology exam?" "I got 90%/an A."“你生物考试得了几分?”“我得了90分/一个A。”You could've got a higher mark if you'd worked harder.如果更努力些,你本可得个更好的分数。Georgina's had very good marks in/for English throughout the year.乔治娜一年来的英语分数都很好。(Br and Aus) You scored full marks in the test--ten out of ten--Well done!你测验得了满分----十分里的十分----好样的!There are no marks for guessing (= It is obvious) who said we had to tidy up our rooms!是谁说我们必须打扫房间的这很明显。