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rear obj CARE FORHrIE5, $rIrv [T]to care for (young animals or children) until they are able to care for themselves, or to care for (animals) in order to use them for food抚养,养育,培养Some women have made a deliberate choice to rear a child alone.有些妇女有意选择单独抚养孩子。 [CHILD中的child-rearing]He describes how these birds rear their chicks.他描述这些鸟是如何养育其幼雏的。The farmer's wife hand-reared (= fed and cared for) the tiny lambs when their mother died.它们的母羊死后,农夫的妻子喂养小羊羔。The scientists tracked one lot of infected meat back to the farms where the animals/cattle/pigs/etc. had been reared (= in order to be used as food).科学家们根据一批受感染的肉寻找到饲养动物/牛/猪的农场。