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ex.press obj SHOWIk5spresv [T]to show (a feeling, opinion or fact)表达Her eyes expressed deep sadness.她的眼神显现出深深的悲哀。I would like to express my thanks for your kindness.我要对你的好意表示感激。Bill expressed his disagreement with the rest of the committee by voting against the proposal.比尔对提案投了反对票,表示他同委员会其他成员意见不同。Words can't express how happy I am. [+ wh- word]语言无法表达出我多么高兴。These figures are expressed as a percentage of the total.这些数字是用总数的百分比来表示的。She has a problem with her speech which makes it difficult for her to express herself (= talk) clearly.她在说话能力上有点问题,这使她难以清楚地表达自己。Children often express themselves (= show their feelings) in painting.孩子们经常用图画来表达感情。