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sling SUPPORTING DEVICEslINn [C]a device which uses a strap, piece of cloth, or ropes for supporting, lifting or carrying objects背带,吊索His gun was held on his back in a sling.他的枪用背带吊在后背上。The cylinder was lifted from the seabed in a sling.圆筒被用吊索吊离海底。A sling is a device for supporting a broken or damaged arm in which the arm is held in front of the body in a piece of cloth which is tied around the neck.悬带I had my arm in a sling after I broke it playing football.我踢足球将手臂摔断后,我一直将手吊在悬带里。A sling is also a bag-like device for carrying a baby which is tied to the front or the back of the adult's body.背兜When Nicki goes shopping, she takes the baby in a sling.当尼基去购物时,她将孩子带在背兜里。Sling also refers to a simple weapon used mainly in the past in which a strap held at the ends was used for throwing stones.投石器,弹弓'Whether' tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune'(Shakespeare, Hamlet 3.1)默然忍受命运的暴虐的毒箭,(或是…),这两种行为,哪一种更高贵?(选自莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》)