释义 |
con.tin.gent GROUPkEn5tIn7J[ntn [C + sing/pl v]a group of people representing an organization or country, or a part of a military force代表团,分遣队The French contingent certainly made their presence known at this year's conference.法国代表团在今年的会议上确实不可等闲视之。There were cries of outrage from the feminist contingent when the speaker referred to the women present as'girls'.当发言者把在座妇女称为“女孩”时,女权主义代表团发出了愤怒的喊叫。They are strengthening their army with a large contingent of voluntary soldiers.他们用一支由志愿军组成的庞大队伍来加强军队的力量。