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bite (obj)baItvpast simple bit bIt, past part bitten H9bItYEn, $9bIt-to use your teeth to cut into something咬;叮,螫When her puppy bit me Joan told me that it was "only playing". [T]她的小狗咬我时,琼告诉我它只是在“玩”。The boys were kicking, biting and scratching as she dragged them into the room. [I]当她将孩子们拖进房里时他们又踢又咬又抓。He bit (into) the apple. [T; I + into]他咬一口苹果。She finished sewing and bit off the end of the thread. [M]她缝完了,咬断了线头。An insect bit me on the arm. [T]一只虫子咬了我的胳膊。(fig.) The racing bug bit him badly / He got badly bitten by the racing bug (= he developed a strong interest in racing) in his teens. [T]他十多岁时对赛车特别感兴趣。One of those waiting for interview was looking very nervous, biting his lip(s) (= holding esp. his lower lip between his teeth) and moving on his chair. [T]其中一个等待面试的人看上去很紧张,紧咬着嘴唇,晃动着座椅。(fig.) We found his speech so funny we had to bite our lips (= hide the emotion we felt) --it was meant to be a serious occasion. [T]我们发现他的讲话很滑稽,不得不紧咬嘴唇以免笑出来----这应该是一个严肃的场合。She can't stop biting her nails. [T]她无法停下咬指甲的动作。When a fish bites it takes the food from the hook and is caught as a result.(鱼)上钩,吞饵;(人)上当The fish aren't biting today. [I]今天鱼不上钩。(fig.) My house is for sale but nobody seems to be biting (= no one is showing any interest). [I]我的房子出售,但是没人感兴趣。When car tyres bite the road, they take a firm hold of the surface and do not slide. [T]咬牢,咬住,抓住If a new law, tax, activity, etc. bites, its unpleasant effects start to be felt.产生不良的影响,起不良的作用When the recession began / started to bite, people spent less on eating out in restaurants. [I]当经济衰退后果显现时,人们很少外出到饭店就餐。These changes always bite the elderly hard. [T]这些变化总是对老人产生很坏的影响。The cold began to bite into their bones (= be felt unpleasantly in their body). [I]寒冷刺骨。To bite into something is also to remove part of it.除去,除掉,去掉Her job was demanding and began to bite (deep) into her free time.她的工作要求越来越高并且开始占用她的(大量)业余时间。Our parent company's patience is now being rewarded, as we are beginning to bite into the share of our competitors.由于我们开始吞并竞争对手的份额,我们母公司的容耐正得到回报。(humorous) If you say that a person or thing won't bite, you are telling someone not to be frightened of them.毋害怕Just go and ask her if you can borrow the book -- she won't bite (you).去问她你能否借那本书----别怕,她不会咬你的。(Br) He bit back (= stopped himself from saying) the cruel words he wanted to say.他把想说的脏话咽了下去。(infml) To bite off (more than you can chew / cope with / manage) is to try to do something which is too difficult for you.承担力所不及的事Don't try and bite off too much at once.不要试图同时做太多工作。When it expanded into toys, the company bit off more than it could chew.当扩展到玩具领域时,公司所做已经超出了自己的业务能力。(infml) To bite someone's head off is to speak to them in anger and sharply for no good reason.无原由地对…发火,莫名其妙地对…发脾气I only asked if I could help --there's no need to bite my head off !我只是问一下我能否帮上忙----没必要无缘无故地对我发火!To bite the hand that feeds you is to act badly towards the person who is helping or has helped you.恩将仇报,忘恩负义To bite the bullet is to force yourself to perform an unpleasant or difficult action or to be brave in a difficult situation.勇敢地行动;咬紧牙关,任劳任怨I don't want to go to the dentist but I'll just have to bite the bullet.我不愿去看牙医,但我不得不硬着头皮去。(esp. humorous) To bite the dust is (of people and animals) to fall, esp. from a moving object, and sometimes to die, or (of things) to end in failure.从…落下; 倒毙; 病倒; 失败完蛋; 失灵; 蒙受耻辱,丢尽脸As they came round the bend several riders bit the dust.当他们到达弯道时,几名骑手落马了。His career bit the dust when he lost his job.当他失去工作时,他的事业也寿终正寝了。There wasn't enough money so another good idea bit the dust!没有足够的钱,所以再有好主意也没用!If you bite your tongue you stop yourself from saying something.缄口不语I wanted to tell him exactly what had happened, but Margaret didn't want him to know so I had to bite my tongue.我想告诉他到底发生了什么事,但是玛格丽特不想让他知道所以我也就三缄其口了。